Guiding Principles

What we do today impacts the next seven generations....

·      Youth and families are the local experts in their own community and have important contributions to make to the

        planning, implementation and evaluation of health programs and services.

·      Data belongs to the community from which it is generated and is returned to communities so that it can be used to promote the health and wellbeing of its citizens.

·      Intellectual property rights are shared among partners. It takes all of us working together to support community growth.

·      Generosity is important for our wellness and ability to maintain balance. Giving back through capacity building and  workforce development is a major focus of all projects.

·      Building upon the strengths of the community is more powerful than focusing on the deficits alone.

·      It takes a decade to make change last. Partnerships are built for the long-term.

·      We are all a part of the community and have important contributions to make.